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DIY RV Roof Repair using Liquid Roof. Isn’t that Simple…??

Owing an RV is a great luxury but maintaining it is entirely a different story. As an RV owner you should always spend time in learning about how to perform basic RV repairs on your own e.g., tire pressure checks, fluid level checks and most importantly RV roof repair. A leaky roof should signal alarm to you because it’s the start of total roof damage. However performing a RV roof repair is easier than you think.

Liquid Roof

One of the easiest ways to fix a leaky roof is by using liquid roof. Liquid Roof is liquid EPDM, a paint like material which you apply using paint rollers and brushes. When applies it forms a seamless water-tight membrane impregnable to water and other environmental intrusions.

Before you apply Liquid Roof you have to first clean the RV roof to remove dirt, debris, loose materials and oil residues. A power wash is the right way to start with. A clean RV roof will make it easier for Liquid Roof to adhere to the roof.

Liquid Roof is a self-leveling product and needs a temperature of 55 F degrees to cure. It water-proofs the RV the moment it is applied; however, you should always choose a sunny clear day to apply Liquid Roof.

When you need the Professionals

A visual inspection is the best way to asses’ RV roof for damage. If the damage is extensive you will need services of a professional roofer, however if your RV roof just needs recoating or minor repairs than Liquid Roof is the best solution.

To read more about product application and technical specs visit at, for DIY RV roof repair guide visit,

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